we were supposed to have been there on time,but had not been told about the lack of disabled parking,with most spaces available being taken up by non blue badged cars.
we were driving around for ages looking for a space,and found one eventually near by.
the hospital had told staff all week a sound proofed room was sorted for the appointment,and to phone them when we were going to set off so the waiting areas in neuro department coud be kept as quiet and empty as possible.
in reality,the noise hit as soon as we got out,lots of building work going on on their new buildings.
going in the door is hard enough as they have fans on which sound like wind tunnels.
though was being comfortingly restrained on each side by manager and a staff-who both make self feel safe and secure,was still hitting out though hopefully had aimed it at self.
when we got into the main general reception bit,it was rammed with people,have been a user of that hospital since a toddler and can never remember having heard it like that before-it was extremely noisy and overloading,one of the staff who went to sign in and to beg for a quiet room whilst we were in reception was told there werent any rooms avilable and it was required now that everyone has to sign in that area first before signing into the unit are having an appointment in-was later told the cue here was huge,adding more time on the waiting,they eventually told staff it was to late-that the neurologist had gone home,but it hadnt of mattered anyway as had end up kicking off but quickly shut down sue to being so severely overloaded.
apparently,a older lady staff of the hospital who was very nice had tried to help in every way possible,she grabbed a wheelchair [due to being unconcious and likely to have todds paralysis afterwards],and was put into it by staff,and brought to a quiet room in the nearby cancer unit.
when had recovered and woken up,it was clear was not going to be able to walk,so it was decided to go home,and was wheeled out by own staff.
its a long while since have had such a bad experience of hospital, some of them are great people and go above their job to help whilst others coudnt care,they woudnt allow us to go through short cuts to bypass the overloading areas and corridors like other hospitals do.
am already hateful of hospitals,and this is just going to make it so much worse,trafford general,the walton neuro institute and the nightingale building at wythenshawe hospital shoud get awards for how they accomodate autism needs,but there are only specific staff of hope hospital woud personally give them to.
anyways,enough whinging,off to give this bugger:
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