add to that, the extreme sensory difficulties have got with electric/battery clippers [noise],and scissors [tactile],its not exactly easy getting a hair cut.
so enter the views of a few men who are from 'back in the day',the 'golden years',eg dad and a manager.
was told about manual clippers-ones that run on hand power only, no
electric or battery.
this had been unbelievable to self so had began checking them out on the internet.
the majority did not want manual clippers anymore due to electric ones taking over,so they stopped being sold in shops,and only to be seen on ebay as vintage used stuff.
had been looking through a robinsons or derby house catelogue one day,when came across a pair of WAHL manual clippers,coud not believe what was seeing!WAHL now sell what were originally designed for humans for noise sensitive horses,that being the reason they were in a horse catelogue.
so had to get a pair,others thought theyd be useless as they thought they were just designed for horses,but they were wrong,these are the old style human ones,coud never imagine someone having to clip a whole horse with such a short blade on it.
have not been able to give them a go yet,because stupidly....did not realise they require 'clipper oil',they only came today,and we may have some with the electric clippers but have got to wait till tomorrow at least to be removed of this heavy,scratchy stupid burden.
will post back on results.
for now [as long as they work],woud highly recommend getting a pair of these clippers,for anyone who is to noise sensitive and/or hyperacutic for the electric/battery ones,these woud be extremely useful to autistic individuals.
will find them here:
they're also at robinsons:
if are after a pair,choose whichever shop as theyre both highly reliable.
took a photo of them tonight [though they have to be kept locked away],they work like scissors-
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